"Donne e Scienza: il valore della diversità di genere nella Scienza"
("Women and Science: the value of gender diversity in Science")
Project "Donne e Scienza: il valore della diversità di genere nella Scienza" (
"Women and Science: the value of gender diversity in Science") offers to encourage an enhanced presence of women in the scientific world with specific actions regarding career development, reconciliation policies and education. The project is realized by
Rosselli Foundation (imlementing body), the
University of Camerino and
FormaScienza, with the contribution of
MIUR - Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (L. 6/2000).
An entire section of the project involves schools, since they represent a prime location for establishing a cultural identity. In fact the project includes a variety of
travelling activities/events of edutainment on science and gender, that represent best practices for teaching science, introducing positive role-models and encouraging girls to take up science as a career.
Activities focused on high schools, will take place in various cities and will be coordinated by FormaScienza, in collaboration with the local scientific and educational centers and with the
Association Donne e Scienza network.
The Project
This project, carried out by the Rosselli Foundation (acting as the implementing body), the University of Camerino and FormaScienza, has been granted a contribution by MIUR - Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (L. 6/2000), in order to identify specific activities aiming mainly at universities, research institutes and schools, with a particular interest towards high schools.
It has been conceived, based on discussion and actions undertaken by the European Commission concerning the difficulties faced by women in accessing the areas of science, technology and research. Such discussion has been initiated in order to evaluate proposals for specific policies aiming to compensate the imbalance in the representation of genders in such fields.
The effort to comply with the directions pointed out by Europe, in conjunction with growing awareness in Italy that in the last years has made a number of commitments concerning equal opportunities in Science, have contributed to a first draft of an agreement Protocol in 2010 between MIUR and the Department of Equal Opportunities. The goal of this agreement is to elaborate specific measures in order to accomplish gender equality in science, fight under-representation of women in scientific sectors, support career development for women, and promote gender culture in schools through educational programs like "Citizenship and Constitution".
The Protocol has established a Panel made by national experts that belong to other Ministries, Universities, research centers and society, that has put in place the foundation for such developements. Aiming to further reflect on the position and presence of women in the world of science, this Panel has also created the project "Donne e Scienza: il valore della diversità di genere nella Scienza" ("Women and Science: the value of gender diversity in Science").
The aim of the project in detail is to enhance the presence of women in the world of science, regarding both career and reconciliation policies, in particular through:
- the creation of a European School of Management in Gender Mainstreaming, at the University of Camerino and Macerata, dedicated to sustain the wide spreading of a culture that promotes equal opportunities between genders and the implementation of gender mainstreaming in the national policies;
- the development of educational/update courses for the promotion of gender culture in school education;
- the development of travelling activities/events of Edutainment on "Science and gender": Exhibition "A road to female scientists", Scientific historical and narrative workshops "In the footsteps of female scientists", Science Shows, Theatre&Science Workshops and Theatre-Forum Workshops on the subject of gender differences. The activities aim to encourage the use of such educational methods in school, that can be attributed to the active learning methods used in scientific fields (problem solving, inquire learning, curricula grounded in real-life experiences). Such methods promote and appreciate differences and can result to a wider participation by young women, encouraging their interest in science and increasing their self esteem in scientific learning.
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Travelling Activities/Events of Edutainment on Science and Gender
Travelling Activities/Events of Edutainment on "Science and Gender" is a co-ordinated set of activities/events that aim to enhance the value of gender differences and promote the self-esteem of girls. The proposed courses have interdisciplinary character and are inspired by the principle of edutainment, promoting learning through play. The teaching methods (inquiry-based method and learning through cooperation) stimulate the active participation of students in the educational courses in which they are involved.
Exhibition: A road to female scientist
The Exhibition: A road to female scientists is a journey through 35 biographies of female scientists, in a period that spans from the 5th century BC, with the figure of Teano of Pythagoreanism, until the early 1900's, with the figure of Hedy Lamarr (1913-2000)

Scientific historical and narrative workshops
Scientific historical and narrative workshops: On the traces of woman scientists have as subject the elaboration of the biography profile of a female scientist from both a historical and a scientific point of view. At the end of the course, the students will be asked to create a piece of scientific communication, such as a Wikipedia entry, a documentary, a newspaper article and so on.

Science Show
In the
Science Show: Women of Science, female scientists with excellent records in the current research scene will meet with the students.

Theatre&Science Workshop
Theatre&Science Workshop we create a short theatrical scene representing the figure of a female scientist, exploring the interaction between theatrical language and scientific context.

Theatre-Forum Workshop
With the
Theatre-Forum Workshop, finally, we encourage the students to represent through the use of theatrical play a problematic situation and explore possible strategies to address and solve it.

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Implementing Body: Rosselli Foundation
Executive Coordination: Stefania Farsagli
Scientific Coordination: Francesca Traclò
Project Partner: University of Camerino
Executive Coordination: Sara Spuntarelli
Scientific Coordination: Fulvio Esposito
Project Partner: FormaScienza
Scientific Coordination: Cinzia Belmonte
USR Molise, referee: Carla Tammaro (carla.tammaro@istruzione.it)
USR Piemonte, referee: Giuliana Priotti (giuliana.priotti@istruzione.it)
USR Umbria, referee: Rosalia Monaco (rosalia.monaco@istruzione.umbria.it)
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